Deal with Scale and Complexity – the Biggest Source of Intractability
- See the Complexity of Conflict
- Map the Basic Conflict Elements
- Identify the Core Issues in Dispute
- Identify the Complicating Issues
- Identify Areas of Influence
- Scale Up Influence
Develop a Broadly-Shared, 21st Century Democratic Vision
- Promote Peace and End Violence
- Determine the Truth about the Past
- Establish and Protect the Rule of Law
- Blend Justice, Apology and Forgiveness to Address Past Wrongs
- Limit Retributive Justice
- Provide Restorative Justice Options
- Provide Distributive Justice
- Provide Procedural Justice
- Provide Trauma-Healing Assistance
- Use Narratives and Story-telling for Trauma Healing
- Imagine a Realistic Future That We All Would Want to Live In
- Promote Diversity Amid Intolerable Differences
- Contend Nonviolently
- Plan for the Future and Protect Posterity
- Balance Demands for Cultural Security and Cultural Freedom
- Promote Distributional Equity
Resist “Divide-and-Conquer” Politics
- Resist Divide-and-Conquer Provocateurs
- Establish and Protect the Rule of Law
- Contend Nonviolently
- Limit Negative, Outgroup-based Framing
- Resist Enemy Images
- Defend Against Propaganda
- Prevent Scapegoating
- Limit the Concentration of Power
- Resist the Revolution Trap
Constructively Frame Conflicts and Relationships
- Limit "Us Vs. Them" Language and Thinking
- Be Careful of Absolute Good and Evil Thinking
- Resist Dehumanization
- Expose the False Promise of Decisive Victory
- Understand the Limits of "Conversion"
- Focus on Common Interests, Not Just Differences
- Frame Goals Consistently with Societal Ideals
- Focus on the Real Enemy: Destructive Conflict Dynamics
- Recognize and Acknowledge Your Side's Contribution Conflicts
- Balance Rights with Responsibilities
- Focus on Individual, not Group, Responsibility
- Think "Win-Win," not "Win-Lose"
- Go Beyond Anger to Problem-Solving
- Limit Worst-case Thinking
Correct Misunderstandings and Improve Communication
- Open Communication Channels
- Get Out of Our Bubbles!
- Learn to Communicate Effectively Across Cultures
- Empathically Listen to The Other Side
- Provide Safe Spaces for Communication
- See Ourselves as Others See Us
- See Others as They Really Are
- Employ Effective (and Ethical) Persuasion Strategies
- Find Common Ground Amidst Differences
- Scale Up Constructive Communication
- Facilitate Group Learning
- Correct Inaccurate Rumors Quickly
- Employ Good Policy Analysis and Fair Marketing
- Restore Vibrant Local News Coverage and Debate
- Overcome "Narrowcasting"
- Overcome the Problem of Feel-good Noise
- Encourage and Participate in Dialogue Processes
Reverse the Escalation Spiral
- Promote Escalation Awareness
- Promote Constructive Mobilization
- Use the Power Strategy Mix to Limit Escalation Power
- Ratchet Down Tensions
- Treat Opponents (and Allies) with Respect
- Voice Complaints Respectfully
- Use "I-messages" to Soften Disapproval, Making It Easier to Receive
- Counter Hate and Malevolence
- Counteract Provocateurs
- Delegitimize Conflict Profiteering
- Utilize Peacekeepers to Control Violence
- Provide Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Programs
- Prevent the "Good Fight" from Becoming an End in Itself
- Honestly Examine Downside Costs
- Find (and Act as) a Witness
- Voice Complaints Respectfully
- Encourage "Disarming" Steps
- Establish Early Warning and Crisis Communication
- Cultivate Face-saving Opportunities
- Set Fair Limits on Competition
Obtain/Effectively Use "Real Facts"
- Disentangle Facts and Values
- Foster Credible Bipartisan Fact Checking
- Be Aware of and Work to Counteract the Confirmation
- Prioritize Information Flows
- Promote Resistance to Propaganda and Disinformation
- Assess Contradictory Experts
- Pursue Joint Fact-finding
- Decode Misleading Statistics
- Re-establish the Town-Gown Partnership
- Evaluate Impacts of Actions
Pursue Collaboration and the Power of Working Together
- Find Common Ground Amidst Differences
- Manage Distrust
- Build Trust
- Build Understanding and Trust Through Joint Projects
- Demonstrate Collaborative Potential
- Develop and Pursue "Back Channels"
- Think "Win-Win", not "Win-Lose"
- Improve Your Conflict-Handling Skills
- Use Intermediaries: Mediators, Facilitators, Arbitrators, Adjudicators
- Engage in a Collaborative Problem-Solving Process
- Develop Verification Measures / Performance Guarantees
- Guarantee Policy Recommendations
Promote Good Governance
- Strengthen Civic Education
- Provide Conflict Resolution and Peace Education
- Protect Individual Rights
- Assure Transparent, Ethical Government
- Limit the Concentration of Wealth
- Provide a Social Safety Net
- Protect the Commons
- Provide Support for the Common Infrastructure
- Encourage Grassroots Interest Groups
- Discourage "Free-Riding"
- Prevent Fraud
- Institutionalize Future Protections
- Assure Meaningful Elections
- Assure Expertise-based Governance –
- Provide Governmental Oversight –
- Consider How Safe Is "Too Safe"
Develop a Positive Sum, Win-Win
- Promote Socially-Responsible Businesses
- Constructively Engage One Another in the Private Sector
- Provide Quality Goods and Services to the Disadvantaged
- Expand the Non-Exploitive Sharing Economy
- Provide Consumers with Accurate Information
- Require Business to Take Responsibility for their Public Harms