Intervention Roles
Mediator, Silke Hansen, says mediators and facilitators play many different roles in a case as it unfolds. |
Leo Cardenas describes how he took on some tasks that should have been done by the parties themselves, but they were not in a position to do so. By so doing, however, he helped give community groups a voice that they never had had before. |
Nancy Ferrell says one job of a facilitator is to model good process so the clients eventually can handle things themselves. |
Silke Hansen describes how she has to explain her role carefully when she is doing her conflict assessment. |
Silke Hansen goes into all disputes aiming for mediation |
Civil rights mediator Silke Hansen describes how she builds trust with minority groups even though she is white. |
CRS mediator Ozell Sutton tells how he works with parties to prevent violence during marches and demonstrations. |
Bob Hughes talks about a situation where he became a community organizer. |